Thursday 16 July 2009

Thoughts on the journey of travel.

Here are some thoughts on travel that have been passed onto me from my new friend in Chile, Consuelo.

Travelling is not merely to move to another place or distance. It is a journey where we leave behind the life that we are used to, and suddenly be able to watch from afar. Remoteness makes us feel different, it opens the possibility of looking at who we are, and also to those around us. The distance allows us to be spectators and watch our life like a movie.

When we get to the destination we recover our capacity for surprise and astonishment at the novelty of where we are. We do not only discover unknown places, we discover ourselves in the process. The trip is not only distances covered, but a journey into ourselves. And when we leave, when the experience ends, a part of us stays there is some place and a part of that place will be alive in us.
- signing off, Marika Martinez - Women's Own Adventure

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the labor you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.
