Monday 7 September 2009

Travel Traditions

Travel Traditions are the little things people do on holiday that makes it memorable for them. For example, some people keep a well recorded travel diary and include all sorts of bits and pieces such as ticket butts, dried plants, menus, brochures, etc.
Other people take photos of plants from their travel destinations and still others write emails home to themselves from internet cafes along the journey.

We would love to hear about your travel traditions, so that we can put together a story to share with others.

Please click on the comment link on this page to share your Travel Traditions.

- signing off, Marika Martinez - Women's Own Adventure


  1. When I'm returning from a trip away, before I "leave the zone" ( wherever it is I am) I ask myself what the take home messages are for me, what thoughts occured to me while I was away, was it new ways I wanted to live my life, what was it I felt that I would like to retain and apply to my everyday life at home. Otherwise if I dont do this little conscious exercise and acknowledge this I feel like I slip back into the old world and lose whatever "messages" or special nuggets of awareness I have learnt about myself and the world around me.

  2. Julie,
    Thank you for posting your Travel Tradition, I really appreciate your thoughts. Hopefully others will also post their comments.
    I also agree with you, it is too easy to forget the journey once you are back to the usual routine without conscious effort to make small changes.
