Sunday 9 January 2011

Our India Journey begins in February

On February 6th, 2011 a small group of adventurous women will travel to India with Women's Own Adventure's Indian Safari, The Great Epic Adventure.

You will be able to follow us on this blog, where we will share our journey and photos with you.

Signing off from Marika at Women's Own Adventure ( - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I wish you all well.. bring back as many memories of wonderful experiences.. safe travels.. take a million pictures... take loads of pens with for all the happy children of India.. enjoy.. wish I was going with!
    Jean Wethmar - Brisbane Au -

  2. Sally Kessell - Sydney Au4 February 2011 at 10:50 pm

    Wishing you all a wonderful trip, full of adventure! Am looking forward to following your travels via the blog and seeing all the photos! Bon voyage!
