Tuesday 8 February 2011

Our first day in Delhi, the New and the Old

Delhi, the gateway to India has a precious monument heritage steeped in
history. Of the 1,300 listed monuments of Delhi's ancient and modern cities, we explored 2 of them this afternoon. But first we were in for a real treat with a rickshaw ride through Old Delhi's tiny narrow market streets.

These streets are shared by cars, motorbikes, pedestrians, bicycles, rickshaws and buses, with everyone bustling past each other while trying not to get run over by anything. It was an experience that brought the character of the city to life with the crowded street bazaars. It is certainly a city of vast contrast between the old and the new. Surprisingly the new city is clean, and with 17 million people I have seen much more crowded roads in Bolivia then here.

Yes, this is a photo I took of snakes responding to the music.

We paid a visit to The Laxmi Narayan Temple, a beautiful place of worship for the Hindus, our local guide explained the basics of the Hindu beliefs and way of life while we explored the temple.

Later in the day we walked through the Humayun's Mausoleum and garden tomb. This beautiful building shows intricate Jaali work on windows inside the tomb. In between the sightseeing we had a delicious buffet lunch at the Lalit hotel, and also found time to shop for amazing fabrics and rugs made of the most exquisite silk in the most beautiful colours and designs.

It has been a long journey over here and a full day, so sleep is calling.

- Marika at Women's Own Adventure signing off

Location:Delhi, India

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get to Deli Hut (?) spelling .. the wonderful market place in Delhi.. wonderful wonderful.. enjoy India.. x Jean in Brisbane - Au - www.thecapeclub.com
