Sunday 19 April 2009

On Elephant back in the Chitwan Jungle

P1010379After spending two relaxing nights in Pokhara, with time to catch up on some laundry and shopping, we began our journey to Chitwan, in the south of Nepal. The last part of our journey was by 4 wheel drive through small, rough tracks and crossing rivers.

Arriving at the eco friendly Jungle Lodge in time for lunch, we are struck by the peace of the jungle and the array of bird calls. Our home for the next 2 nights is comfortable with hot showers.P1010402

Our first afternoon was spent on elephant back and we were treated to a remarkable sight of a mother and baby one horned rhinoceros in the wild.

P1010375The jungle experience was great with jungle walks and elephant washing in the river.

Our time in Nepal is coming to an end with one more day to be spent in Kathmandu where we visit Hindu and Buddhist Temples and manage some last minute souvenir shopping.

- signing off, Marika Martinez - Women's Own Adventure


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