Wednesday 15 April 2009

Stupa of Pokhara

Our group of Women's Own Adventure in Nepal had to make a slight change of plan today. There were demonstrations outside the town which prevented us from reaching the start of our trek. So we had the pleasure of an afternoon spent in Pokhara.


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This beautiful town is a contrast to Kathmandu. At a much slower and peaceful pace, it is surrounded by mountains. Our journey to Pokhara was via a half hour flight on a small aircraft which afforded magnificent views of the snow capped mountains.

This afternoon we crossed the lake by boat to walk up a steep track to the Budhist Stupa which overlooks the town. It sits at 1,100 metres above the lake. We enjoyed a picnic lunch on the way and marveled at the view. There were a handful of colourful paragliders on the opposite peak enjoying plenty of thermal lift. Nepal and its people are bright and colourful, with splashes of colour everywhere.


Tomorrow we leave for our trek with our wonderful guide Ang. So you can read all about it in on our return to Pokhara in 6 days time.

- signing off, Marika Martinez - Women's Own Adventure

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