Monday 6 April 2009

Shangri-La Nepal

After travelling for what seems like such a long time, our group of 8 women adventurers have arrived in Kathmandu. Upon landing at the airport we are struck by the local smells and sounds of a bustling and chaotic city. Kathmandu has a population of two and a half million people. The narrow roads are home to all manner of vehicles armed with very loud and incessant horns.

Today we explored the market area of Thamel and some, shyly tested their bargaining abilities in purchasing well priced Pashminas and other assorted items.

Tomorrow, early in the morning we fly to Pokhara an begin our trek in the beautiful Anapurna region. As internet access will be limited on our 6 day trek through the villages, the next update will be quite some days away.

- signing off, Marika Martinez - Women's Own Adventure

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